Wednesday, September 1, 2010

After the Rain, There Are Rainbows

So to kick off our baking blog we made…
something that involved absolutely no baking at all.

Sara found these charming no-bake petit-fours on I Am Baker. Of course, since a Valentine’s Day theme was not situationally appropriate and Kitty likes to paint, we decided to go with whatever struck our fancy. Rainbows won out, mostly because Kitty was involved. 

It was also kind of a drab day. Pardon the bluish tint to the photos.

The first thing we did was make royal icing and marshmallow fondant. Kitty made the royal icing, Sara made the fondant.

Does anyone know if humidity can affect royal icing? Ours never really hardened despite ample icing sugar and almond extract. In the end, the cute little decorations (hearts and rainbows) got scrapped. Oh well L, learning experience.

Sara finished the fondant without incident, and wrapped the Cakesters.

We wrapped the chocolate cakesters in blue fondant that Kitty made (and consequently had Smurf hands for a good half hour).



This involved cleaning up and leftovers from the previous night. These were made by our Momma. Recipe is here.  We would recommend them highly, as we could eat them for days. Don't they look yummy garnished with fresh tomatoes and avacados? 

Anyway, back to work!

Sara proved more efficient and skilled at fondant wrapping than Kitty, so she did the vanilla cakesters as well in the plain white fondant, which was then turned over to Kitty.

Kitty then painted the white petit-fours with wide rainbow stripes. She had trouble with the paint ‘sweating’ and bleeding onto the other petit-fours are stacked. Is it temperature or alcohol-to-gel color concentration that does this? It made a terrible mess.

Since the independently piped decorations didn’t pan out, Sara decided to pipe the same shapes directly onto the petit-fours as it seemed a waste of icing otherwise.

And viola! They are done!

Over all, this seems like a fun recipe for a no-bake treat and the fondant and icing are very easy. An attentive novice cook could easily replicate it. Due to the sweetness of the end result, we recommend it for children’s parties. Older children could even paint their own wrappers!

-       Kitty and Sara [Two Moore Cupcakes]

PS. The photos are by Kitty as is the adorable apron Sara is wearing. 


  1. Love your creative and original design!! How fun!


  2. I think I'm going to experiment with food coloring and fodant to see if I can fix the ' sweating' problem
    - Sara

  3. Putting meringue powder into your royal icing will help to harden it.

  4. Saw you via Epicute!
    For the rainbow petit fours...the ones that look tye-dye... As a suggestion, maybe you could marble the fondant and put it over the cakesters instead of trying to paint the fondant directly?

    As for the royal icing, that stuff is tricky.
    It's sort of troublesome. I have a recipe for a buttercream icing that hardens and you can probably dye it if you'd be interested!

    Good job. c:

  5. @Cup-e Cake Gang
    Thanks! The recipe we were using suggested more icing sugar, but we'll try the meringue powder! :)

    @Lyndsay McNutt
    They were supposed to be striped but the colors came out kind of muddy. I'll stash the marbling suggestion :)

    Your buttercream recipe would be great if you want to share! :D -- Kitty


    I have used that one for months now and it has failed to let me down! I wish you luck with the striping as well!
